Row your boat

Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Down the Stream Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily Life is but a Dream Lately this song has been running itself over and over in my head. I know it is because Wayne Dyer has passed, he was my favorite author. I love the idea, that everything we needed to know about living a stress free life, was given to us in a song, when we were in kindergarten. ROW, ROW, ROW, YOUR BOAT- we’re supposed to be actively engaged, working, experiencing joy, living our own lives (he would’ve said dharma). Pursue your passion, find your meaning. Never mind what other people are doing or saying you should do. When you’re on a boat, there is constant movement. Our lives are a lot like that. Constant movement, constant change. Just keep rowing your boat. GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM- there should be a flow to what you’re doing. Like with the water, you don’t see water trying to crash through rocks, it flows around the rocks. Sometimes the rocks are in the stream to shift your path, when you’re on the right path things are not difficult. Don’t try rowing upstream. You came here for a purpose, live your purpose. I personally love nature, I live in the country, I have a vegetable garden and flower gardens, I like to keep things simple. I am a spirit having a human experience. I enjoy it the most when I float gently down the stream. LIFE IS BUT A DREAM- we come here with nothing, they’re leaving here with nothing. But that doesn’t mean do nothing! Everyone has to earn a living, pay the rent, feed themselves. But if you can relax and ask yourself what’s important to you, in its simplest form and go from there. Life could be a lot less stressful. Wayne Dyer will always be remembered, it’s nice that you can listen to his tapes and hear his voice. When I read his books I hear his voice. Did Wayne Dyer leave an impact on your life? Please share in the comments below.  

Theme: Overlay by Kaira